Channel started January 8th, 2008

Online tracking started January 20th, 2008


Search Results

1112 matching pickups found

Displaying results 951-960 of 1112
2012-04-08 11:06:00 Admin: foxxx_ Mode: captains Map: ff_fiddle Number of Players: 8 Team 1: JuBBs Team 2: foxxx_ Pool: biohaZ, homieinreboks, KINGOJ, moosh, CrunK, ricey 2012-04-08 10:17:00 Admin: zexel Mode: pool Map: ff_destroy Number of Players: 8 Team 1: zexel, foxxx_, CrunK, BIGLEVEL Team 2: biohaZ, moosh, JuBBs, BananaHammock 2012-04-07 16:44:00 Admin: dR-eXpl0si0n Mode: pool Map: ff_blis_2fort Number of Players: 8 Team 1: Mogly, MafiaMan`, Nightmare, ricey Team 2: angrybob, CrunK, BananaHammock, dR-eXpl0si0n 2012-04-07 15:59:00 Admin: hadeZtheChampio Mode: pool Map: ff_propinquity_b4 Number of Players: 8 Team 1: BananaHammock, oaties, CaptainAhab, Nightmare Team 2: hoopa, Neptunetits, CrunK, dR-eXpl0si0n 2012-04-07 15:05:00 Admin: hadeZtheChampio Mode: pool Map: ff_high_flag Number of Players: 8 Team 1: CrunK, PePPaS, dR-eXpl0si0n, hadeZtheChampio Team 2: BananaHammock, Neptunetits, StiffItGood-BSU, Nightmare 2012-04-07 14:21:00 Admin: hadeZtheChampio Mode: captains Map: ff_destroy Number of Players: 16 Team 1: hadeZtheChampio Team 2: killu Pool: scout-rm, cake, PePPaS, squeek, mooneh, Jay_m0f0, Neptunetits, oaties, FDA, StiffItGood-BSU, CrunK, Moya, angrybob, Nightmare 2012-04-07 13:24:00 Admin: hadeZtheChampio Mode: captains Map: ff_nyx_b2 Number of Players: 16 Team 1: JuBBs Team 2: hadeZtheChampio Pool: cake, killu, mooneh, scout-rm, nine`, Neptunetits, moosh, Grim_, Moya, Jay_m0f0, angrybob, CrunK, Nightmare, StiffItGood-BSU 2012-04-07 12:02:00 Admin: hadeZtheChampio Mode: pool Map: ff_shutdown2 Number of Players: 8 Team 1: mooneh, Nightmare, CrunK, FDA Team 2: scout-rm, hadeZtheChampio, Moya, moosh 2012-04-06 17:50:00 Admin: killu Mode: pool Map: ff_destroy Number of Players: 8 Team 1: CrunK, hadeZtheChampio, cake, Moya Team 2: KINGOJ, CaptainAhab, oaties, killu 2012-04-06 17:08:00 Admin: hadeZtheChampio Mode: captains Map: ff_monkey Number of Players: 8 Team 1: hadeZtheChampio Team 2: killu Pool: foxxx, Moya, KINGOJ, oaties, CaptainAhab, CrunK