Available to everyone:
!add Adds yourself to the current pickup
!add <team number> Adds yourself to the specified team or captain slot
!remove Removes yourself from the pickup
!teams Displays current pickup info
!changeteam Move from one team to the other (only in team mode)
!sub Fills a request for a substitute player
!votemap <map> Casts a vote for the specified map
!votes Displays the currently winning map
!sendinfo Sends you the server IP and password if you did not recieve it
Map commands:
!ffmap <map> Gives the link to the main download of the specified map
!ffmap2 <map> Gives the link to the mirror download of the specified map
!ffmapthread <map> Gives the link to the Fortress-Forever forum thread of the specified map
Admins only:
!pickup [mode] [map] Starts a pickup (mode and map are optional) Modes available: " team , pool , captains " (see Question 3 above)
!end Ends the current pickup. If this command is not done the game starter, there is a three minute wait period before it ends.
!map <map name> Changes the map
!remove <player name> Removes specified player from the pickup
!needsub [number of subs] Puts out a request for substitute players
!cancelsub Cancels a request for substitute players
!hold Puts the game on hold. This means that if the pickup fills up, it won't start until it is taken off of hold
!unhold Takes the game off of hold
!notice Makes the bot notice the channel with certain pickup info
Admins only and only by PM (Private Message):
!addserver <alias> <ip> <password> Adds a server alias using the given IP and password. If the server is already found the IP and password will be changed
Game starter only:
!players <number of players> Changes the number of players
!server <alias> Changes to a known server using the given alias
!changemode <mode> Changes the pickup mode. Modes available: " team , pool , captains " (see Question 3 above)
!shuffle Randomizes the players (only in team mode)
!transfer <new admin> Transfers admin of the pickup to the specified op
!veto Removes any requests by other ops to end the pickup
Game starter only and only by PM (Private Message):
!server <ip> <password> Changes the server IP and password for the pickup
!server <alias> Changes to a known server using the given alias
!password <password> Only changes the server password (ip remains the same)